About the project

Building a new FAQ

Although FAQs are the last alternative in a product, finding answers should be something easy.

This project was prioritized before the launch of the product in advertisements on national TV, which would increase the search for answers to current questions and problems.

In collaboration with the Customer Success Team (CS), I focused on improving the user experience through creating new information architecture and implementing some UI patterns.

Although FAQs are the last alternative in a product, finding answers should be something easy. This project was prioritized before the launch of the product in advertisements on national TV, which would increase the search for answers to current questions and problems. In collaboration with the Customer Success Team (CS), I focused on improving the user experience through creating new information architecture and implementing some UI patterns.


UX Designer






Responsive web design

The problem

  • Users had difficulty contacting support when didn't find an answer

  • Overload of information with a confusing FAQ structure

  • Lacking frequently asked questions

The goal

  • Improve the user experience through the creation of new information architecture and UI implementation


Gathering information with the customer success team

To identify the main usersโ€™ struggles and what to prioritize in the new FAQ, I talked to the customer success team and got access to the chatbot. The main questions were:

  • What are the highest problems and questions related to the product on the support ticket and chatbot?

  • What is the process the CS team has to go through when a user opens a ticket?

  • What problems the CS team are facing related to the chatbot and the process of opening a ticket?

  • Which kind of information the user has to provide when contacting the CS team?


Creating the first structure

With the insights and information the CS team provided, I analyzed, categorized, and created the first structure of the new FAQ using Miro.

First suggestions for the new structure


Building a more robust solution

Enjoei is a marketplace platform, so we had questions related to the seller and to the buyer's side. There was too much information to revise. Also, we needed to define what paths in the new FAQ would allow users to contact the CS team and how it would replace the current chatbot.

To make it faster, and create alignment and empathy between the CS team and designers involved in this project,ย I proposed a dynamic with both teams. Each group had a certain amount of time to think about the path the user would have to go through to contact the support and to understand how this process was for the CS team.

Different paths created

Validating with Tree Testing

Illustration of how the process of validation looked like

To validate the findability of topics, I made a tree testing with some employees of the company that was also users of the platform.

I defined the tasks that participants would have to go through to find answers based on the most common tickets of the CS team.

With this test, I was able to identify labels and paths that were confusing.


The whole information was restructured within new topics. Also, when the user reaches the end of the tree and wants to talk to the support, a history of his/her questions would be saved automatically and the CS team would have the correct queue to attend them, making the process faster for both sides.

๐Ÿ”— Visit the FAQ




Participating in this project was enriching in several ways. I could:

  • Create new hierarchies, categorizations, and labels based on the main user's struggles and the tree testing

  • Collaborate with the customer support (CS) team, understanding their process and think about solutions to some of their struggles related to the old FAQ

  • Facilitate a dynamic with designers and the CS team as it was their first time working together. This allowed us to align and optimize the work, as both teams were committed to finding a solution

  • I would advocate for a search bar in the FAQ as for its first deployment it wasn't viable, also analyze the users' feedback on the new FAQ and its questions.

Shoutouts & Credits:

  • Customer success team: Karina and Helo for the fun and teamwork. Also for the adorable gift๐ŸŽ and message when I left the company.

Let's get in touch

Feel free to reach out for collaborations or just a friendly hello ๐Ÿ˜„


Designed and built by Lais Lara Vacco in 2022 using Ycode.
Last updated July 2024.